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Our Services

Welcome to SMART Spot's comprehensive service offerings, thoughtfully crafted to cater to your family's unique needs. With our commitment, we're here to be your guide you every step of the way.

Building Bridges to Comprehensive Understanding

At SMART Spot, our assessment process is more than just an evaluation; it's an opportunity to connect with your family, your child, and understand the unique qualities that makes them who they are. We believe that getting to know your family's backgrounds, your child's strengths, and your aspirations for them is crucial in forming a holistic understanding of your child.


Through our assessments, we're not just looking at the surface; we're diving deep into understanding your child's needs and potential. This comprehensive understanding serves as a foundation that paves the way for tailored support programs, targeted recommendations for educators, and a roadmap to unlock your child's growth.


With our assessment approach, we're not just identifying challenges; we're discovering opportunities for progress. Join us in building bridges to a more empowered and informed journey for your child's communication, learning, and development.

Assessment - CCC2

The Children's Communication Checklist, Second Edition, is a tool for Speech Pathologists to assess children's communication abilities comprehensively.


This standardised assessment examines various aspects of communication beyond language skills, including potential indicators of autism spectrum disorder.


Through diverse tasks, the checklist explores the child's communication strengths, encompassing language nuances, social skills, vocabulary usage, and pragmatic language abilities. 


This checklist empowers professionals to tailor interventions precisely, fostering a supportive environment for the child's growth at home and in the educational setting.





Assessment - TILLS

The Test of Integrated Language and Literacy Skills (TILLS) assessment serves as a crucial tool for professionals specialising in language and literacy.


This standardised evaluation offers a comprehensive insight into an individual's language and literacy abilities, bridging the gap between these intertwined skills.


Incorporating a diverse range of tasks, the TILLS assessment delves into various facets of language and literacy, encompassing receptive and expressive language, phonological awareness, reading, writing, and more.


By evaluating these interconnected skills, it provides a holistic perspective on an individual's strengths and areas requiring support.


Professionals can leverage TILLS to tailor intervention strategies precisely, fostering a nurturing environment for the enhancement of language and literacy skills. It also guides the customisation of instructional approaches in the educational setting ensuring approaches match the individual's unique needs.


Assessment - Celf 5

The CELF-5 assessment, known as the Clinical Evaluation of Language Fundamentals, Fifth Edition, is a standardised tool used by Speech Pathologists to gauge an individual's language and communication skills.


It's tailored to measure diverse facets of language, covering both how a person comprehends and expresses language.


The assessment comprises a variety of tasks that delve into skills like grasping language nuances, constructing sentences, expanding vocabulary, and reasoning with language structures.


Utilising the CELF-5, professionals can identify an individual's language strengths and areas that need improvement, enabling the creation of precise intervention strategies to enhance their communication abilities.


Furthermore, the insights gained from the CELF-5 can guide effective curriculum adjustments to provide the most suitable and high-quality support. 

Assessment - DEMSS

The Dynamic Evaluation of Motor Speech Skill (DEMSS) assessment is a  tool used by Speech Pathologists specialising in Childhood Apraxia of Speech (CAS).


This evaluation method offers a dynamic and comprehensive understanding of a child's motor speech abilities, crucial for diagnosing and guiding intervention for CAS.


By employing a series of tasks and observations, the DEMSS assessment delves deeply into a child's motor speech skills, evaluating their ability to plan and execute speech movements effectively. This assessment is particularly attuned to identifying the unique challenges and patterns associated with CAS.


Professionals utilise the DEMSS to create precisely tailored intervention strategies that support the child's motor speech development. The assessment outcomes offer crucial insights for guiding therapy and setting appropriate goals, ensuring that therapy is targeted and impactful.



Therapy - Initial Consultation
A Time for Parents to Connect and Share

During this first therapy appointment, we're here to listen and learn from you – the experts on your child. This session is just for parents, giving you a chance to share insights about your family and your child's unique journey. By gaining a thorough understanding of your backgrounds, concerns, and your child's strengths, we're able to create a personalised plan that sets the stage for effective support. Your input is invaluable, and together, we'll create a path that ensures your child's communication and growth thrive.

Therapy - Ongoing Therapy & Collaboration
Nurturing Your Child's Growth and Achieving their Goals

Our therapy is grounded in research and technical expertise, ensuring that every session is tailored to meet the unique needs of your family and child. We believe in meaningful outcomes, driven by a child-led approach that recognizes strengths and interests.


Child-Led and Strengths-Based
Therapy at SMART Spot is all about your child's journey. We build upon their strengths and interests, creating a space where progress feels natural and enjoyable.


Working Towards Family and Child's Goals
We're dedicated to achieving the goals that matter most to your family. Together, we'll define milestones and work towards them, celebrating each step of the way.


Flexible Settings for Tailored Support

Therapy options at SMART Spot are designed to fit your family's lifestyle:


Home-Based Therapy: Experience nurturing support in the comfort of your home environment.

School-Based Therapy: Collaborate closely with us within the school setting, ensuring your child's growth aligns seamlessly with their academic journey.

Clinic-Based Therapy: Immerse your child in a specialised clinic environment, designed to foster focused and effective progress.

At SMART Spot, therapy is more than a session; it's a journey towards empowerment and achievement. 

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